A few years ago, I participated in an exciting self-help training program dubbed ‘Unplug’. During the session, one of the facilitators put this question to us: ‘What epitaph would you want to be written on your gravestone when you’re deceased. In other words, how would you want to be remembered?’

That question got my mind racing because up until that moment, I had never really given it any serious thought. It actually resulted into a moment of self-meditation followed by a flurry of other related questions within my inner self.

How do you possibly discover your real purpose in life? By the way, I am not necessarily talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even long-term goals. This is about the real reason why you exist.

Many people will leave this universe without a trace and no one, except for those closest to them, will ever know that they existed. Therefore, while you still have time, it is important to begin moving towards self-mastery and expanding the vision of yourself.

You need to start asking yourself these questions: What do I want out of life? How can I grow my influence to make an impact? What is that one thing I can comfortably do with minimum effort? Once you’re exact and specific, your super conscious mind will be stimulated and will begin to find those things you identify with.

I know people who are accountants but wish were teachers; doctors who want to be musicians; journalists who fancy being social workers and bankers who wish were soldiers. Most of these people roll out of bed every morning cursing the alarm clock.

Many of these people suck at their current jobs not because they are dumb but perhaps because they are misplaced. I wish I could tell them to quit but ‘No’, I am afraid I can’t say that because it would be like throwing a double-edged sword at them.

Truth be told, we live in a country where opportunities and resources are limited. And in such circumstances, a good number of people with a great deal of potential never get to realize their true greatness and will end up going to their graves with all the good stuff still stuck in them.

It is also worth noting that life is generally hard and sometimes unfair. Life is like an onion, you have to peal it one layer at a time and sometimes it will make you cry but if you want something out of it, you need to be willing to do things that others are not willing to do in order to have things tomorrow that others won’t have.

I am convinced that one key thing that can keep you going is to have a change in attitude and start loving what you presently do (at least in the short term) as you set those dreams, ideas, talents and gifts into action.

Our time on this earth is limited, so do not waste it living someone else’s life. Do not accept to settle for less than what you want out of life but to do this, you need to set some high personal standards for yourself and have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.


Mr. Brian B. Mukalazi,

CEO, Talis Consults Ltd.

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