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When Organizations become excessively arrogant as a result of Success (Warning Signal #1), they pursue undisciplined Growth (Warning Signal #2), and they begin denying Risk (Warning Signal #3). The combination of these factors often results into Panic, Confusion and Desperate Actions (Warning Signal #4).
The descent into panic and confusion normally takes a turn to the worse when Organizations react to crises by going for quick fixes instead of kickstarting a proven, reliable process that could help rebuild long-term momentum with consistency.
Key indicators of Warning Signal #4
In How the Mighty Fall, Jim Collins gives a number of indicators that could be descriptive of this warning signal. These include:
Recounting the Impact of COVID-19 on Organizations
While it’s no longer a major global threat today, it is still painful to reflect on the memories of the COVID-19 Pandemic, on the millions of lives lost, the suffering and grief, and the myriad disruptions to livelihoods and Organizations.
Low or non-existent consumer demand, reduced earning and stay-at-home orders caused untold disruptions to Organizations. And out of panic and confusion, we saw many Organizations take uncalculated, desperate decisions and actions which made their situations much harder.
Under increasing pressure, CEOs made some difficult judgment calls to survive the crisis and, in the process, they made lots of detrimental mistakes. Many of them moved into crisis management mode, dealing with the many immediate problems, but failed to step out of it to create sound strategies and plans for the future. As a result, countless Organizations were declared bankrupt while others just closed shop.
Lessons from Steve Jobs and Apple
When Steve Jobs went back to Apple in 1997 as interim CEO, he was faced with the task of making Apple profitable again. But what he did is simply amazing: he turned the Company from losing $1 billion to a $309 million profit a year later, ultimately saving the company and setting the course for decades of remarkable growth. And here are three key lessons we learnt:
In the end, when an Organization is going through a difficult period, revival may only be possible when leadership returns to their fundamentals and gain clarity about what is core, what should be held firm and what needs to change!
To be continued…
Read More (Part I, II, III):
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The most important characteristics of blue ocean strategy is a new way of solving users’ pains, which means creating the solution no one expected to exist, but that everyone needed. This is called value innovation. “The best way to beat the competition is to stop trying to beat the competition” - Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
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August 14, 2023Good read.